About a month ago I wrote that I had something called kaleidoscopic vision, also known as an ocular migraine. It literally came and went without any repercussions or actual pain. It was just a weird experience, and it had me worried because I’ve never experienced it, nor did I know what it was until we researched this effect. Today at around 9:10pm EST it happened again. Just like before, it lasted for just over 20 minutes and disappeared as if someone had flicked a switch.

This episode was somewhat milder than my previous one. I had about a quarter of zig-zag vision in the top right corner of my vision, unlike last time where it seemed to be in a 360 degree circle. This time it only covered 90 degrees. After about 10 minutes, the zig-zag patterns had shifted further outside, into something of a stretched line. There was less colour involved than last time.

I suppose knowing what this is means there’s less immediate panic, however I do worry that this thing has come back in such a short interval. I’m due an eye exam anyway, and my primary glasses have lost a node pad on the right hand side, so I’ll make an appointment with Dr. Shapiro at Four Eyes soon and tell him what happened. Doctors like notes, that’s why I’m taking them.

What may have changed since last time?

Symptoms aside, it might be an idea to note any lifestyle changes that have happened recently, and/or since last time this occurred. I can’t think of dietary changes, and I’m still drinking mostly decaf (with an intake of 30% caffeinated at the most, if at all). I sleep OK, except for perhaps list due to heavy rain. I decided to get up at 4am and do some editing, then go back to bed at around 7am.

I have been streaming almost daily though, with two shows at weekends. It’s fun and fulfilling, very productive and I surprise myself with the 3D projects that are happening as a result. The setup in Studio C isn’t great (aka the linen cupboard), but it’s working. I do utilise my old glasses there though, which I seem to remember are over-correcting my vision a bit. i don’t have any headaches, but due to increased streaming activity, I do wear them more than usual. Perhaps it’s related, perhaps it isn’t – I wasn’t streaming this much when the first incident occurred.

More news as it breaks.