Twitch Expansion

In this episode I’m talking about thoughts on expanding my audience reach to Twitch. The company have recently expanded their repertoire to more non-gaming content, they have a big user base, their service is integrated into many streaming services – and they offer free video storage. Why not utilise it?

I’m still testing it out, but if you’re eager to embrace new services, join me for a casual live stream over here:

So Adobe bought Allegorithmic

This week’s tech news is that Adobe have bought Allegorithmic, which leads me to re-consider the Creative Cloud. In this episode I’m sharing my thoughts on perpetual software licenses vs. subscriptions, as well as voluntary contributions, and how it all makes me feel.

International Accounts and Postage

I’m on my way to the post office to buy some stamps, so that I can send a letter to Germany, cancelling one of my international bank accounts. First world traveller problems at their finest!

Pain and Awareness

Over the last few days I’ve notched some annoying pain developing in my left shoulder, as well as my left hand. It was so bad that I couldn’t turn my head anymore. To avoid this from getting worse, I took a closer look at how I did things in my life

Meanwhile, I’ve received a large package with tiny content from Amazon.

The New Weekly Schedule for 2019

In an effort to streamline my day job and my creative efforts, I’ve devised a plan to set dedicated days aside for each venture. Here’s my plan, which – so far – is working wonders for my physical and emotional wellbeing.