Over the course of my treatment, I’ve met an amazing group of people who have helped me through this difficult time. Without them and their generosity, perseverance, creativity and “outside the box thinking”, I wouldn’t be here today.
Give a nice round of applause to the lovely men and women:
Dr. Mike Cusnir, oncologist
Dr. Cusnir was responsible for authorising and administering my KEYTRUDA immunotherapy treatment. His creative thinking also produced my being on Total Parenteral Nutrition so that my GI tract could have a rest and not re-inect itself. A genius if I’ve ever met one. Thanks, Doc!
Dr. Karen Stephenson, RN
Karen was Dr. Cusnir’s nurse practitioner during our time together. Working closely with him, she was always at hand if and when Dr. Cusnir was out of town on a lecture or busy with other patients. Karen gave me that super nice blue Super Survivor t-shirt I’m wearing in many of my screencasts on YouTube.
Julie Rothenberg, MS, RD, LDN
Julie was my nutritionist during most of my time as an outpatient at Mount Sinai Hospital. She oversaw my dietary wellbeing through those extreme situations I faced, both with chemotherapy drugs as well as with my screwed up GI tract. I’ve learnt a great many things about how the human body works. You can book Julie for a session at JulieENERGYnutrition.com
Dr. Nicholas Kuritzky, head of Radiation Oncology
Colloquially known as “Dr. K”, this man lent me his ear at a time when another hospital had just turned me away, leaving me without alternative treatment options. He invited me to see him the same week, started my radiation treatment a week later, and stopped my tumour from growing out of control. He was the first to mention that immunotherapy is likely to work wonders in my situation and put me in touch with his colleague Dr. Cusnir. Meeting Dr. Kuritzky was a key event during my journey.
Dr. Marcos Szomstein, colorectal surgeon
My favourite surgeon (apart from Dr. Caso). He opened and closed me up under full anaesthesia more times than I can remember. His skilful fingers will forever be remembered, much like his sense of humour and positive attitude even in the worst of times.
Dr. Jorge Caso, urologist
My other favourite surgeon (apart from Dr. Szomstein). We met Dr. Caso in the same week we met Dr. Kuritzky. I had been referred to him because for a while there, it looked like somebody would have to completely remove my bladder. What a scary meeting that was! My favourite quote is when he said, “hopefully I won’t be doing much of anything for you”. Thanks to Dr. Caso, I still have most of my bladder.
(to be continued)